Author Archives: Deidra Miller
Seven Ways to Deal with Stress
Is stress making you feel like this? Stress can wreak true havoc on your life, both personally and professionally. Extreme stress can cause both emotional and physical problems. When you’re too stressed out your mind just can’t handle any more. … Continue reading
Five Reasons Why You Need a Customer Relationship Management Service
I stress to all my clients that the first step in getting your contacts organized is to sign up with a customer relationship management (CRM) service. The first one is a specific but important reason, but I had an actual … Continue reading
Three Ways Social Media Can Deepen Connections
Social media presents an incredible opportunity for the shrewd entrepreneur. Through social media you can reach a lot of people who wouldn’t have known about you simply through your website and blogs. Here are three ways you can use social … Continue reading
If All You Have Is a Hammer Everything Starts to Look Like a Nail
Most of our lives are spent reusing the information collected in our formative years. Thus, when anything new enters our arena we immediately go to the past to try to make sense of it. The outcome is we each see … Continue reading
7 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty through Emotions
Emotions affect every part of our lives. From our friendships to what we eat and what we buy, everything is affected by emotions – whether we realize them or not. In fact, emotions are often more important than other factors … Continue reading
How to Be a Great Online Interview Host
Interviewing experts online (whether just recorded and posted online, or through a radio show or podcast) is a great way to be seen not only as an expert yourself but also as a person of influence. Okay, maybe you won’t … Continue reading
Why Should You Make Customer Service a Priority?
Every business is reliant on their customers to stay alive, and so it follows that keeping those customers happy is crucial for long-term survival. One way to accomplish that is focusing on delivering world-class customer service. Prioritizing customer service is … Continue reading
17 Ways to Create Catchy Blog Titles That Drive Traffic
Brandon Gaille always creates great infographics with lots of useful information. I thought this week’s infographic was so interesting I had to pass it on. It lists 17 Ways to Create Catchy Blog Titles. Your blog titles are so important … Continue reading
4 Tips for an Effective Social Media Campaign
Using social media to promote your business is rarely effective without some type of organized, deliberate strategy. Short term, haphazard approaches just use up valuable time. You need to make it a specific part of your marketing plans by designing … Continue reading
3 Strategies for Using Online Systems to Optimize Customer Service
Pilots have specific documented systems for every step of each flight to make sure they achieve their goal of reaching their destination safely. It is crucial that every business use systems too to keep their business flying and achieve their success goals.Let’s focus on 3 top ways to leverage online systems that can save you time and money. Continue reading