Author Archives: Deidra Miller
Delegation Formula – How Much Can You Save?
Many entrepreneurs struggle with the idea of paying outside team members. They feel they can’t afford to hire outside help. But I say you can’t afford not to outsource. Studies have proven that entrepreneurs who have outside help make more … Continue reading
5 Ways to Get Over Procrastination
One of the biggest challenges to being self-employed and owning your own business is getting over time management procrastination. It’s just so easy when you’re the boss to let things slide until it’s an emergency and you must absolutely get … Continue reading
3 Sure-Fire Ways to Save Time and Increase Productivity
We entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to save time and increase productivity. The more productive you can be, the better for your bottom line, because as we all know, time is money. Unfortunately, productivity can take a back seat to … Continue reading
3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Newsletter
Electronic newsletters (also called ezines) deliver written messages usually relating to a common theme or topic (such as your business niche). There are many benefits you and your business can reap from publishing your own newsletter. Here are three of … Continue reading
10 Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website
Getting traffic to your website is crucial to the success of your business. If no one is seeing your content, what’s the point in creating it? A healthy flow of traffic will increase your visibility and enable you to increase … Continue reading
5 Ways to Turn Satisfied Customers into Loyal Customers
Talk to many business people about how they approach customer service and the majority of them will say that they are aiming to have ‘satisfied’ customers. No! What we all should be seeking is to have loyal customers who are … Continue reading
5 Secrets for Attracting and Keeping Leads
Many times the biggest headache for businesses has nothing to do with the products or the services offered, but due to the lack of leads and the inability to retain them. Why is it that some businesses not only can … Continue reading
3 Keys to an Efficient Customer Service Strategy
When it comes to customer service, quality is what every business should focus on first and foremost. However, a key component of great customer service is developing routines and strategies that improve the overall efficiency. Here are 3 keys to consider to help … Continue reading
How to Establish Trust in Your Business
Trust may be the most important value in any business’ code of conduct. Trust is an often overlooked value, getting less attention than it should. That’s a mistake, because trust is the lubricant that makes the wheels of commerce turn. … Continue reading
4 Tips to Help Your Customers Feel that You Understand Them
Do your customers feel that you understand them? When people feel that you understand them, they’re much more likely to listen. They’re much more likely to become fans of your business and buy. In fact, they’ll even get more value … Continue reading