Category Archives: Speaking
How to Be a Great Online Interview Host
Interviewing experts online (whether just recorded and posted online, or through a radio show or podcast) is a great way to be seen not only as an expert yourself but also as a person of influence. Okay, maybe you won’t … Continue reading
4 Body Language Secrets for Effective Communication
“I don’t let my mouth say nothin’ my head can’t stand.” ~Louis Armstrong Effective communication has a lot to do with understanding body language. In 1970, Julius Fast talked about a new science called Kinesics in his book Body Language. … Continue reading
Respect Your Audience! Speaking Tips for Entrepreneurs
Respect is essential in effective business interaction. In an interview by, business etiquette expert Marjorie Brody, president of Brody Communications, an international business communications skills company, says, "I think the biggest thing to remember is to be respectful of … Continue reading