Tag Archives: customer service
5 Customer Service Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make – and How to Avoid Them!
I like to say that great customer service is like the wings of a plane – you’re not going to get your business off the ground without it! Here are five mistakes that many entrepreneurs make in their customer service … Continue reading
6 Customer Service Golden Rules
These days, the companies that will succeed will be those that offer superior customer experience. The value of a lifetime customer is immeasurable. So once you get a customer, how do you keep him? Here are 6 “golden rules” of killer … Continue reading
Why Should You Make Customer Service a Priority?
Every business is reliant on their customers to stay alive, and so it follows that keeping those customers happy is crucial for long-term survival. One way to accomplish that is focusing on delivering world-class customer service. Prioritizing customer service is … Continue reading
3 Strategies for Using Online Systems to Optimize Customer Service
Pilots have specific documented systems for every step of each flight to make sure they achieve their goal of reaching their destination safely. It is crucial that every business use systems too to keep their business flying and achieve their success goals.Let’s focus on 3 top ways to leverage online systems that can save you time and money. Continue reading
5 Ways to Turn Satisfied Customers into Loyal Customers
Talk to many business people about how they approach customer service and the majority of them will say that they are aiming to have ‘satisfied’ customers. No! What we all should be seeking is to have loyal customers who are … Continue reading
3 Keys to an Efficient Customer Service Strategy
When it comes to customer service, quality is what every business should focus on first and foremost. However, a key component of great customer service is developing routines and strategies that improve the overall efficiency. Here are 3 keys to consider to help … Continue reading
4 Tips to Help Your Customers Feel that You Understand Them
Do your customers feel that you understand them? When people feel that you understand them, they’re much more likely to listen. They’re much more likely to become fans of your business and buy. In fact, they’ll even get more value … Continue reading
4 Successful Marketing Strategies to Help Your Small Business Compete with the “Big Warriors”
Small businesses don’t have the same marketing muscle as large businesses. A small business simply doesn’t have the advertising budget needed to build a “big” brand and to gain recognition in the market through that brand. So how is a … Continue reading
4 Ways to Improve Customer Service
If you want your business to remain competitive in the long term, you need to keep looking at different ways you can improve your customer service. The higher customer satisfaction you can achieve in this area, the more repeat business … Continue reading
How Well Do You Know Your Customers?
How well do you know your customers? What is the primary reason your customers or clients come to you? Or purchase your product or service? What you don’t know could hurt your business. Continue reading